The Study

About the Study

The 2025 29th Annual Third-Party Logistics Study employed a variety of research streams to provide an objective look into the 3PL industry, from the perspective of both a user or purchaser of services (shipper) and a provider. Researchers also sought insights from leading organizations that don't currently use external services from a 3PL provider. These are noted in the study as non-users.

The study's goal is to investigate leading trends and uncover how shippers and 3PLs can better collaborate to improve service and increase value. It examines growth within 3PL as a whole and specific sub-segments of the industry. It also looks at overall growth and development, what shippers outsource and what 3PLs offer, why shippers outsource to 3PLs and the value they gain from those relationships. Additionally, researchers investigate trends and issues expected to alter the future state of logistics outsourcing.

When developing the research plan, the study team established topics of interest, developed the survey instrument, conducted the research, analyzed the results, compiled this report, and presented and shared the findings.

As part of this year's research, the team engaged shippers, 3PLs and 4PLs with a worldwide email survey as well as focused interviews and virtual discussions with industry leaders. Contributions from industry representatives, supporting organizations and sponsor firms are vital to the study and have sustained the report for the past 29 years. Shippers and 3PLs generously participate in the surveys and interviews needed to produce this year's study and, as in previous years, the 29th Annual Third-Party Logistics Study is dedicated to those who make it possible.